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5550 Ann Street, Manotick, Ontario Phone: (613) 692-3243

A reminder that All the staff here are volunteers. Rude or obnoxious callers will not be tolerated
If you wish to join the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or have questions about job opportunities or your application in the Canadian military please visit: or send your questions through the CAF jobs Contact Us web page: to your recruiting centre or by using the national recruitment online form. Reserve applicants applying directly through Reserve units can contact a recruiter at the unit they have applied with, unless otherwise indicated.
For civilian job opportunities with the DND please visit: All civilian job opportunities are posted on and all questions about opportunities should be directed through this job web site.
For student job opportunities and questions please go here:
To become a Cadet or a Junior Canadian Ranger, please apply online here: Also, please use their regional Contact Us list if you have questions or comments about your application or other queries or comments related to Cadets or Junior Canadian Rangers:
For questions regarding DRDC (Jobs, Research positions, Innovations with IDEaS, requesting a research speaker,...) please find more information on this page: and,
For questions on issues after releasing from the CAF (military pay; severance pay; change or amendment to release category; replacing your certificate of service, copy of your MPRR; T4; contacting the Supplementary Reserve...) please visit the Release Benefits Administration Office web page for more information:
For employment verifications:
For writing to the troops overseas or contacting the Canadian Armed Forces postal service to find out mailing address information:
To contact the Canadian Forces pension centre - which is administered by PWGSC, and not DND, regarding your pension, your T4A, a change of address, survivor pension information and benefits,..:
To apply for a new or replace a lost Veteran's Service Card (NDI 75) or if you have questions about your application please contact the VSC team directly:
For the CFOne card (for veterans, Defence Team members and their families) please go to this web page:
To find out how to request a copy of service records and/or medical records : Such records will either be with DND or Library and Archives Canada depending on last year of service. You will need to submit an Access to Information Request (please follow the steps in the link(s)). This link also contains information on Birth Abroad certificates for children of CAF members born abroad.
For information about a former member's Will, which would have been returned to the member at the time of releasing from the military, please refer to administrative orders directive on this page:
To contact the Chaplain services or to inquirer about the possibility of a military funeral. Please see this webpage:
If you need proof of service for a provincial veteran's license plate, the province would require either a copy of your release certificate from your service records, or a copy of your MPRR, or your Veteran's Service Card. Please see the links above for details.
For former DND public servants, personal records are with DND and you will need to contact DND's Access to Information and Privacy office (ATIP) and submit an Access to Information Request:
For questions regarding military history, casualty identification, or archival research, or contacting a military museum:
For questions about medals or replacing lost medals: Please note, Second World war and Korean Conflict medal replacement or information, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada.
For questions about invoices or questions relating to Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable:
For selling products and services to DND:
For Defence Procurement, contact PSPC:
To purchase DND surplus assets please contact GC Surplus at Public Service and Procurement Canada:
To publish official DND pictures, crests, logos, videos (...) please contact Crown copyright permission:
To purchase souvenirs, military collectibles, merchandise, kit shop supplies, etc, please visit CANEX store and click on the menu bar at the top left corner of the page: (note: DND does not mail out posters, pins and other memorabilias).
To report an incident or inappropriate conduct involving a CAF member please contact the military police or the CF National Investigation Service: To report a criminal offence, call your local police.
For support services for personnel and their families affected by sexual misconduct (serving and former CAF members, DND public service employees, Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers) aged 16 and older. As well as guidance and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct. Please visit this page:
For questions regarding litigation or other legal matters, please contact military legal services:
To report or complain, or if you have questions about unfair treatment (for members of the Defence community, serving or retired military of public service employee), or if you have question relating to a treatment, you can contact the Ombudsman's office: Office of the National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman -
For Afghan nationals, DND does not provide any further referrals and cannot respond to your requests for assistance. IRCC has indicated on the following website they have enough referrals to meet their goal of welcoming 18,000 Afghans under the special measures program:
For other options see this page from IRCC: . For additional information on how to immigrate to Canada , please go to this link: . For information on private sponsorship, not associated with DND or IRCC, please visit this external non-government web page:
For information on Canada's military support to response to Ukraine:
To contact the Minister of National Defence:
For answers to many other questions, please visit our Contact Us page and use the search bar or consult by subject:
For the Government of Canada employee directory, please visit GCdirectory:
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