5550 Ann Street, Manotick, Ontario Phone: (613) 692-3243

A reminder that All the staff here are volunteers. Rude or obnoxious callers will not be tolerated
Zone sports
You can join the legion to permit participation in Zone Sports, which is a competition between our Legion and other Legion branches in our zone. Zone Sports are open to any member in good standing of South Carleton Branch 314, with some restrictions regarding transferred members. The entry fees for zone sport events are paid for by the branch. The Zone deadline for receiving entries is 2 weeks prior to the event. The Sports Director requires that a member signs up 3-4 weeks prior to the event to allow time for paperwork, signatures and entry fees. All sign-up sheets and information is posted on the Sports Board in the Members' Lounge. You can also call the legion email me the Sports Director to sign up. If more people sign up than the legion is allowed to send, a qualifying tournament will be held, usually 3 weeks prior to the event, to determine who represents our branch.
Zone Sports schedule
Mixed Darts January 27 Merrickville Br 245
Euchre February 24 Cardinal Br 105
Horseshoes May 25 Merrickville Br 245
Golf June 8 Morrisburg Br 48
Washertoss June 1 Winchester Br 108
Cornhole July 20. Branch 207 Delta. Sign up by June 6.